Monday, March 16, 2020

The Miracle In "Ben-Hur" Reminds Me Of The Coronavirus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This moving scene, which I believe, as I do in all things holy and miraculous, reflects our society and this illness.  In "Ben-Hur," Miriam and Tirzah (played by Martha Scott, and Cathy O'Donnell) and mother and sister to Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) contract leprosy, the disease of that time, and are consigned to the Valley Of The Lepers.  Which Judah finds out, after beating his dying friend/foe, Messala (Stephen Boyd). With vehemence, but also, in a way, doing him a favor, Messala informs Judah they are both alive, but where they are,.

                                     When I think about how lepers were treated, then--confined to dark caves, thrown stones at if spotted in the street-- it harkens toward today's times--Asians being punched and attacked, as if this were their fault, the quarantined being isolated in their own Valley Of The Lepers.

                                          Yes, we need to be vigilant, and need attention.

                                           We need a miracle.

                                            Perhaps that can come from ourselves.

                                             Take a cue from Miriam and Tirzah.  They felt Jesus' pain, and their faith saved them.

                                              Feel, and be compassionate to, the pain of others.

                                               Here is the very scene!  Watch, and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes! It does parallel the cv situation!!


  2. Victoria,

    When the stories started about
    Asians being attacked here, I thought
    about that aspect of the "Ben-Hur" story.
    And I pray for an end to this as fervently
    as Miriam and Tirzah!
