Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It All Comes Down To Gwyneth Paltrow, And A Bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Remember the movie, "Contagion?"  That was back in 2011; my God, it has been nine years already.  I swore I would not write about the Coronavirus,  but thinking of this movie compelled me to.

                            Simple me, thinking of shoes, fashions and fabrics.  When I first heard about the Coronavirus, I thought it was simply limited to Corona, Queens!  Fine with me; I never liked Queens, when I lived there, anyway!  I never thought of linking it to the Corona Beer Company.

                               But, then I remembered the end of "Contagion," where it all comes down to Gwyneth Paltrow, and a bat!  And that is when I knew they are the cause of the Coronavirus.  Especially, in the wake of Paltrow, putting out her vagina scented candle!

                                Stay off of GOOP, girls, though my girls have better taste than that!  And do not frequent Chinese restaurants; my grandmother was right; they have trap doors to lure cats, rats, and bats, who are cooked and served as meat!

                                  So, stay away from anything Gwyneth, and no Chinese food!

                                   But keep washing, moisturizing, and hydrating, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Viruses are Always mutating
    It does no good to panic about cv or any other virus.
    How is It over there? Are public places noticeably emptier?

  2. Victoria,
    Well, NYC has only 20 cases, and no deaths.
    Nothing seems alarming in our quiet neighborhood
    of Bay Ridge.

    The subways are empty, but I don't ride them'
    each day, and of course my hygiene has been
    heightened, I hand wash like I am playing
    Lady Macbeth!

    My doctor advised us not to go to the
    theater or public events. Fortunately,
    we have no impending tickets.

    Thanks for the reassurance. I need it!
