Thursday, March 5, 2020

Perhaps The Funniest Bitch Of The Week, Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Well, not really, because a man did lose his life, at the hands of this woman. The man was Jorge Torres, Jr. and his girl friend, and Bitch Of The Week is  Sarah Boone.  No relation to Pat.  Or Debbie.  And forget Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It all took place in Orange County, Florida--where else?--on February 24, 2020.
The man died after police found him zipped in a suitcase,  and with multiple injuries,  including a lip laceration, bruises around his eyes, and injuries to his back and neck.

                                    And you know what defense this dumb thing gives?  They were just playing a game of "Hide And Seek."

                                      Which shows how dumb and White Trash she is, if that is the best she can come up with.

                                         Come on, Sarah, do you think a cop is really going to believe that?

                                          How many adults play "Hide And Seek?"  Even if that is accepted, who hides in a suitcase, from which they may not get out of?  And having all kinds of wounds and lacerations.

                                           Fess up, dear, drugs and your bitch hands were involved in this, and no one else.  If  Torres had survived, MAYBE your story would have been bought.  But not with those wounds and lacerations.

                                             I would ban you from the beauty parlor, dear.  But it looks like you have not been near one in months!

                                              So, go back to the hog slop pile, from whence you came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Adult h&s is actually a big thing, if you can believe it; the World Hide & Seek Championship takes place in Italy!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Really? Honestly, I had no idea.
    But it is a poor excuse for a murder!
