Friday, April 24, 2020

A Bunch Of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 No, girls, I did not forget, but David was working from home, yesterday, which is why I only have access to the computer on certain weekdays.

                                   So, this is the Bitch Of The Week Column, which is usually Thursday.

                                   I have to be honest and say I cannot vouch for the full accuracy of what I am about to relate, as I was only told this by someone yesterday.

                                    According to what I heard, recently--and I do not know how recently--a woman did jump from the Brooklyn Bridge; I do not know if she survived.  I have nothing but heartache for the poor woman who was driven to do this, and her family, but the Bitches Of The Week are all those who stood around, did not really try and stop her--though some did--but instead put it on their smart phones, and, I am told, got the actual suicide on YouTube.

                                     Needless to say,  I am appalled.  What kind of sickos are these?  In the midst of a pandemic, a woman is distraught, and all one can think about is imaging her despair for the world to see???????????????  They should all be ashamed of themselves.

                                      And it just goes to show how truthful Shirley Jackson was when she wrote her classic short story, "The Lottery," 62 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Victoria,
    I agree with you.
    However, the experience could somehow
    come back to bite them!
