Friday, April 24, 2020

I Was Recently Attacked By One Of These, In One Of My Crazy Dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Along with the appetite and sense of taste, I knew I was recovering from my illness, when the crazy dreams returned.  Remember, for me, crazy dreams are normal.

                                   In the dream this, thing--and it is NOT Rocket J. Squirrel, darlings--attacked me.  I can still feel it clinging to my chest, digging its claws into me OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Luckily, this being my dream, I had two friends to help me!
One of these was my good friend, Seamus, pictured above, who is so sweet, even if he has ambivalent feelings about his new store locale.  Seamus and I have a pretty good understanding, so when he growls quietly, I know he is simply acknowledging me.

Well, in the dream, when he saw I was being attacked, Seamus suddenly turned into Jack London's "White Fang."  And he talked, too.  He warned the squirrel, "You lay off him," and made a lunge, and boy did that squirrel take off!!!!!!!!!!!!
But not before my other good friend, Nicholas, who works at the Apple Tree store, got in his two cents.  Sitting above us in a tree, his fur went up, and he hissed at the squirrel, in an Edward G. Robinson type voice, "I'm a nice cat.  But don't push me."

You can bet that squirrel won't bother me again.

In the dream, Seamus grabbed onto my shirt collar, and Nicholas pushed me forward at the other end, and they managed to get me to the nearest Urgent Care Center, where they saw to it I got proper treatment.  Because of that rotten squirrel, I had to get rabies shots--it was, after all, only a dream--but with Seamus and Nicholas beside me, I was not a bit afraid.

Until this dream, I thought all squirrels were cute and adorable, like Walt Disney's "Perri," in the 1957 movie.

Not so, girls, not so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But thanks, and love to Seamus and Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    I was thinking about that myself.
    Recently, I read "Slade House," by
    David Mitchell, which is a kind of
    Gothic take on "Alice In Wonderland."
    The latter was one of my favorites.
    So, in the dream, I must have been
    Alice in the forest, Nicholas was
    sitting above, like the Cheshire Cat,
    and Seamus was there to protect me.
