Friday, May 15, 2020

A Whole Community Of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It was the Friday before Mother's Day--so that would have been May 8, and the owner, Mark Lawrence, decided to open up for the weekend.  Whether this was wise or not is to be debated elsewhere, because he had set up specific rules and guidelines for customers still in the midst of the pandemic!.  For one thing, all customer orders had to be phoned in, one hour in advance.  Makes sense to me.

                               Now, remember, this is Cape Cod, which Patti Page, back in 1957, sang that one was sure to fall in love with.  Well, now that has been eradicated.

                                Because no one heeded Lawrence's guidelines!  Customers stormed the place, like it was the Bastille, shouting, yelling cursing, demanding, from entitlement, their ice cream, harassing one of the employees, a teenaged girl, so much, she quit.  But, to her credit, she stuck out her shift!  Lawrence said she was one of his best workers.  And now has started a Go Fund Page for her, as she was working there, to save for school  Good for him!

                                  As for these customers, collectively they are the winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!  And mark my words, this will happen again and again, as businesses try and open up.

                                   This pandemic is showing both the best and worst in people.

                                    I fear we have more of a problem with the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Here is Patti, singing of what Cape Cod SHOULD be!  May it soothe some stressed out nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!