Friday, May 15, 2020

Is Donald Trump Getting Too Easy And Breezy, With His "Cover Girl?????????????????????"

                                      I steer away from writing about Trump, not only because he is not that interesting to me, but because, others, such as Steven Colbert, and Colin Jost and Michael Che, are doing a far better job than I ever could.

                                        When he was just a businessman, and even on "The Apprentice," I could ignore him.  I never watched the show, and what do I know, or care about business?

                                            Once he became President, in 2016, and was front and center, he was pretty hard to miss.

                                              I always steered clear, till, recently, when something came to me.

                                               This is the standard Trump gaze.  He never smiles, or seems happy, even if he is.  When I first saw how red his face was, and that he was in his seventies, I thought he looked apoplectic.  I thought any minute he was going to have a heart attack or a stroke, and I am amazed the it has not happened.

                                                  But, then I got to thinking.  His look is not due to health, but to make-up!  That's right, girls!  This homophobe is using easy, breezy Cover Girl.  The trouble is he is using too much of it!

                                                   Poor Melania!  I feel sorry for her!  She knows the score, when it comes to make-up, so one would think he would take some pointers from her!  I know I would!
And I  bet she has given some, but he is too dumb to listen!

                                                      So, go on looking like a jackass!

                                                       And for those readers who criticize me about writing about someone being "White Trash," well, just look here!  Donald Trump is proof positive that one does not have to be poor, to be considered White Trash!


  1. There was an episode of Family Guy about that!!


  2. Victoria,

    I asked David about it.
    He says he has seen it, and
    the next time it is on, he will
    tape it for me!

  3. Ok good.
    I know you’re not a Family Guy fan, but let us know what you think!

  4. Victoria,
    As soon as I do, I will let you know!
