Tuesday, May 5, 2020

If "The Monster Of Piedras Blancas" Means "The Monster Of White Stone," Why Didn't They Just Shoot This Cheesy Thing In Whitestone, Queens???????????????????


I mean, it deserves it, after all.

During my Sixties childhood, the big deal on Saturday nights was "Chiller Theatre" on Channel 11, in New York City.  They ran the trashiest stuff from 7:30 PM to 9PM.  It was a red letter week, when they were showing "She Demons," or "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Woman," as these were two of my favorites.  I also loved "Daughter Of Dr. Jekyll."

But when "The Monster Of Piedras Blancas" was shown, after the first time I was scared to watch it. And that was because of the head shot, above.  To me, then, it seemed so real, and if this image were followed, the crustacean crawls right over the person's face!  Grossness plus!  It just freaked me out, darlings!

Actually, the film could have benefitted from Whitestone, Queens.  The beach and the light house, where this was shot, in California, looks identical to the one Bert I. Gordon would later use in "Tormented."
Actually, just look at this shot!  Imagine encountering this thing on the steps of a light house.  The rubber costume is so obvious, and so is the design, a knock off of "The Creature From The Black Lagoon."  But I guess Allied Artists did not have the budget, they were a cheap company, and this is the best they could do.  It might have hiked the ratings on "Chiller Theatre, but it did not bring dollars into the box-office.  I bet it was on the lower half of a double bill.

And, on the credits, no one is listed as playing the title character. As the cast list appears, it ends with "And The Monster Of Piedras Blancas."  My guess is whatever guy got into this suit, for the money--and what other reason would he?--he did not want people to know his true identity.  And can you blame him?

But it was all in good fun.  I can see that now.

Here is the original program opening.  This is what those of us who toiled through elementary school waited for avidly on Saturday night.  And get a load of the hysterical nurse!  What a performance!
She'd be even more terrified today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh have you ever seen “The Devil’s Rain”?!!
    William Shatner, Tom Skerrit, Ernest Borgnine!!
    It’s a Hot Mess lol

  2. And how could I forget Eddie Albert, Ida Lupino,
    John TRavolta!!!!


  3. Victoria,
    No, I have always wanted to see
    "The Devil's Rain."

    Borgnine did some strange, but memorable
    stuff during the end of his career. He is
    a hoot as a cult leader in "Deadly Blessing,"
    and, in 1971, everyone just loved him being
    torn to bits by the rats in "Willard." It
    still is every disgruntled employee's fantasy!
