Tuesday, May 5, 2020

"See Funny Sally Ride Her Tricycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               Actually, Sally is not riding a tricycle.  She is trying to pull the umbrella over her head, because the poor thing is intoxicated from just one Margarita she had to celebrate today, which is Cinco De Mayo!

                                               Happy Cinco De Mayo, darlings!

                                                See Dick and Jane get mad at Sally, because she did not let them have any!

                                                  Smart kid, that Sally!

                                                   Dick and Jane were the ones who were dumb!


  1. This made me think of the film “Fun With Dick and Jane” with Jane Fonda and George Segal


  2. Victoria,
    I remember that film, but never
    saw it. I am sure the title was
    a spoof of these type of reading
    books, popular during my era.
