Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Another "Lace" Like Movie I Am Dying To See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               "Thunder On The Hill" came out in 1951, one year after "Three Secrets", so hidden secrets were big story material during this period of filmmaking.  It seems to combine elements of the aforementioned movie, with secrets concerning the suicide of the sibling of one of the nuns, a girl having been wrongly convicted of murdering her brother, and others being poisoned, I guess, in some way to keep their mouths shut.

                                    But the cast!  Claudette Colbert as the most glamorous Mother Superior ever to be seen on screen, and also on hand, that badass of nuns, Gladys Cooper, playing here a Mother Superior.  Remember, in "The Song Of Bernadette," she was only Mistress Of Novices, though I am sure, before Bernadette showed her the light, she was determined to oust the present Mother Superior from her job.

                                     The film even manages to get in a little bit of "Black Narcissus," what with a climatic scene where, someone is attacked in the bell tower.
All this, plus Claudette and Ann!  You just gotta love it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!