Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Can You Believe We Are Halfway Through 2020 Already?????????????????

                                  Normally, I would be jumping for joy girls, but face it, this has been a lost year.  And, to think, when I saw the double digits drop on New Years' Eve, I thought this year would be filled with excitement.

                                   Not that it hasn't been, but not the excitement I, or I am sure, any of us, were looking for.

                                    Yet, as I write this, and you read this, I cannot help but express gratitude that we are all still here!  And may I be saying this, when it comes time to ring down the curtain on 2020.

                                      Each year has its own, special history, including people's personal memories, but this year, as time marches on, will be especially historical, for reasons well known to us who are living through it.

                                        Nevertheless, I consider today the halfway point.  May we all be together like this at the end of the second half!


  1. It’s been a “hot mess” as the kids say!


  2. Victoria,

    You are so right. And we are
    not out of it, yet!
