Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What Else Can Be Said About This Year's June?????????????????????????

                              It certainly was not like June in "Carousel."  Nor in Freddy Cannon's song, "June, July, And August," which, some of you may notice, I did not play this year.  And for understandable reasons.  This has not exactly been a celebratory time.

                                But we made some strides.  We visited some doctors.  I visited two bookstores and ended up with a pile, we watched, on computer, the dazzling Jessie Mueller, move us with her renditions of "If I Loved You," "She Used To Be Mine," and the big surprise of the evening, "On My Own," from "Les Miz."  She sang it, like nobody's business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, also a sad farewell, to Seamus, who is now in retirement.  Oh, he is very much alive, thank God, but his will not be as pubic a presence, in Bay Ridge, as it has been.  The original Paws Truly, run by Deirdre and Michael Butler opened almost to the year David and I moved here. Two years ago, prices forced them to find a new locale, at Apple Tree, the health food store, here on Third Avenue.  After a valiant struggle, it was decided to call it quits.  Seamus was never happy with the place, though he got along famously with the actual store's mascot, Nicholas, the cat!  I love him, too!  He was actually sunning himself in the door, as I walked past him, after my disillusioning trip from Manhattan.  He gave a "Meow!," and raised a paw!

So, I understand Seamus' POV, too.  It was a treat to see him, last Friday, where he came up, and gave me a hug, as I patted him.  I think he knew it was our farewell moment.

Though, who knows?  We may bump into Seamus on the street,   And maybe a future St. Pat's parade!

God bless you, Seamus, Deirdre, and Michael.  You brought happiness to many in Bay Ridge, including this allergic animal lover!

Have a great retirement, Seamus!

And, of course I read lots of books.  You can scroll on here to see them!

That's all for June, kids?

What's up for July?  Indoors, and, possibly Little Edie's Sparkler Dance!


  1. I’m still processing April and May...


  2. Victoria,

    I can barely recall April and May.
    The days all seem to blend together.
