Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth Of July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   With David working from home, it is harder and harder for me to get on here, which does not mean I have forsaken my girls, but I couldn't officially welcome you into July, on the first.

                                                      So, here we are on the Fourth!  A happy one, to everyone.  This is the day that, for me, brings back childhood memories of the picnics at Aunt Edna's,  in South Plainfield, New Jersey.  This day always has me looking back on those.  Such carefree innocence.

                                                       How different from today, which is just business as usual. Write some posts, finish one book, start another, and listen to the Original Cast recording of "1776!"

                                                        To hell with "Hamilton!"  This is the better musical!

                                                         I know "1776" is patriotic, but I am going to close with one of the most beautiful romantic songs in musical theater.  Listen to the how the music and  voices soar.
Here are William Daniels, and the late (all too soon, darlings!) Virginia Vestoff, as John and Abigail Adams, singing "Yours, Yours, Yours!"  It gets me, every time!

                                                          A Happy and safe Fourth, to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Misty watercolor memories...
    Trying not to get too melancholy today.


  2. Victoria,
    Yes, the Fourth is a hard one for me.
    But I made it through. I listened to
    the wonderful score of "1776."
