Saturday, July 4, 2020

An Undiscovered Literary Gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As you might expect, girls, the titular story, which became the chilling thriller, set in Venice, filmed by Nicolas Roeg, with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie haunted by the grief of their child's death, with a killer at large--or is it?--is included in here.  It was filmed, back in 1973!  As is the classic "The Birds," which almost everyone knows by the Hitchcock 1963 film, but let me tell you, it would have been equally terrifying, maybe even more so, if Rod Serling had taken the text, as written, and adapted it to his half hour or even one hour "Twilight Zone" episodes, during that show's original run.

                                                The characters, locations, and ending of "The Birds" are as different from Hitchcock, as they can be.  But still chilling.

                                                  However, the real masterwork in this volume in the story "Kiss Me Again, Stranger," about a lonely ex-soldier who meets this female usher at a movie theater, with a thing for cemeteries.  And he follows her to one, where.....I won't tell you, except what kind of gal is this?  Talk about a fatal attraction!

                                                    It is a wonder to me this has never been filmed or dramatized.  If adapted correctly, it could be fantastic!  And what a role for an to play it, as a vampire, succubus, or serial killer?

                                                     Maybe all of the above!

                                                     One of the best short story collections I have read in years, girls!

                                                      Almost all perfect!

                                                     But "Kiss Me Again, Stranger" is the real standout!


  1. Step aside, Hitchcock; Daphne’s The Birds is incomparable

  2. Robert E. Lee named one of his sons after Christopher Columbus. People pulled down his statue, but it got back up.


  3. Victoria,

    I wish someone would tackle "The Birds,"
    as written. Would make a great student
    short film.


  4. Unknown,
    OK, OK, so WTF are you talking about?
    What has this to do with my post?
