Friday, June 19, 2020

How About Amy's Travel Show, Darlings?????????????????

                                 We got to see Nutmeg!  And Amy and Chassie, packing and then trying to get out the door simultaneously--hilarious.  But the piece de resistance was the musical number, with everyone seeing Amy off, even Lesbo, while Amy sang a farewell tune set to Cohan's "It's A Grand Old Flag!"  Though I would have preferred if she had sung Cole Porter's "Bon Voyage", from
"Anything Goes!"

                                   But charm and tenderness are both specialties of Amy.  If only Ruth and Esther had been on hand.  Will we ever see them again???????????????????

                                     We can only wait till next week, and the next show!

                                      Meanwhile, I STILL need a hair stylist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. After having the guest make such a point of being wary of the troll statue, and Amy subsequently throwing it so dramatically into the trash can, I was certain it would return during the end credits to haunt her.

    So I guess I'll have to troll her, and cry foul! She initiated the "Chekhov's Gun" trope, and then failed to deliver our rightful denouement!


  2. I agree, That prop was so enormous,
    I figured it would have some overall
    importance in the show. Like maybe
    visiting Ruth and Esther!
