Friday, June 19, 2020

Wasn't Amy Sedaris' Easter Show Charming??????????????????????

                         I loved the blending of secular and religious aspects.  I so wanted to open with a picture of Amy, in Biblical garb--as Mary Magdalene, maybe?--rolling back the stone from the tomb, and out pops a pink Easter bunny!   Girls, no one brightens a day, or holiday, like Amy Sedaris.  If only she could split into infinities so she could visit everyone who would want her to celebrate with them. Which I know includes all readers on here!

                       But with Patty Hogg, Chassie, and others, the show was superb.  No one crafts like Amy.  She took that talent all the way from kindergarten, I am telling you!

                         I still have to know who does Amy's hair, and her colorful dresses.

                         As Patty Hogg would say, "Amy Lou, what's with you?"


  1. Irreverent humor! Love it!!
    Have you ever watched “The Great British Baking Show”??


  2. Victoria,
    I have seen segments of it.
    David is the one who watches the
    cooking shows, while I watch the
    crime ones.
