Friday, June 19, 2020

"You'll Wish That Summer Could Always Be Here!!!!!!"

                                 Nat Cole sure was right, darlings, but he never imagined a summer like this. Not only are the days in this picture long gone,  I am afraid the day of amusements like Coney Island may be over for good.  I mean, people might, like, have to educate themselves!  Or God forbid, read a book!

                                    This photo embodies so much that has been taken from us by this dreadful pandemic.  And I am still blaming the bat and Gwyneth Paltrow!

                                      I never rode the Parachute Jump in my life, though I have been photographed beneath it--about 30 years ago.  I am sure some of those in my parents' generation rode it, but I can tell you, my parents sure didn't.  My mother fainted on the Cyclone in the Thirties, so there is no way she would have done this!

You knew I had to get this one in, didn't you??????????????????????


  1. Yikes what would your mother have thought of all the crazy rides they have now!!


  2. Victoria,
    She would never have gone near them.
    Had she lived into my mid adulthood,
    she would have pleaded with me not
    to go on them. But I never would have,

    The Parachute Jump seems fascinating on
    film and in theory. The view I am sure is
    spectacular. But not enough for me to go on.
