Friday, June 19, 2020

I Thought It Was Time For A FUN Bitch, This Week!

                                   With all that's going on in the world--including health issues I am dealing with--I thought a fun bitch was needed this week.  Which is why I chose Ellen Harper Jackson, played by Betty White, as the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Year Award!

                                       Now, Betty White was so lovable as Rose Nylund on "The Golden Girls."  But both on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and some of the "Eunice Sketches," on "The Carol Burnett Show," she made a great, comic bitch.  If Bea Arthur were here today, she would say this was closer to the real Betty White.  And after seeing her play Ellen, I am beginning to believe Bea.

                                          Ellen Harper was born and raised, with her Mama and siblings in Raytown, Missouri.  She was the cutest, prettiest and most favored.  Mama called her "Sweet Angel Darling," while Daddy Carl called her his "Apple Dumpling."  Eunice was always his "Prune Tart."  No wonder poor Eunice had issues.

                                            Eunice understands what she is stuck in, but so does Ellen, and she does something about it.  The stuck-up usually do.  Unfortunately, as in Ellen's case, she cannot accept that she is only one step removed from Eunice.  She thinks she is a Park Avenue matron!   Eunice summed it up best, in one sketch, by telling her, "Why, to hear you talk, the world would think you lived in the Taj Mahal, instead of a two bit, two story tract house, on the snooty part of a hick town!"

                                              Ellen may have made it out of her Goat Alley neighborhood, but she is never far from it.  And all the references to her husband, Bruce Jackson, indicate Ellen married not only for money, but she also married a great big old closet case!  Love had nothing to do with it, darlings!

                                                   Ellen's two daughters you just know are being groomed to be snotty, suburban mean girls!  I don't care what relation--mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law,, cousins, there is an Ellen somewhere in every family.  Why, some of my biological cousins--especially those of the Liddy faction--are Ellens themselves, thinking they are so great because of what they escaped from, while I am the gay, homosexual outcast!  Well, maybe I am better off!  Toot your own horns, if you want to, kids, I am still better than you!

                                                     You have to hand it to Betty White.  When she played Ellen, she embodied every aspect of every relative you did NOT want to come knocking on your door!


  1. Victoria,
    Yes, and I have proved them wrong
    on so many points when I was younger.

    The sad thing is we were so close
    as children. I thought this would
    continue into adulthood, especially
    when our parents are now gone. But it
    did not.

    Which is why I am so graceful for David!


  2. Victoria,
    I meant grateful. But I can be graceful, too!
