Saturday, July 25, 2020

How About This Schoolmarm Bitch????????????????????????????????

                                                   "School Days, School Days,
                                                    Dear old Golden Rule Days"--
                                                          Old Childhood rhyme

                                        Now that Nancy Pelosi has read this blog and had a makeover, it is time for Betsy DeVos, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, to do the same!

                                          Come on, Bets, look at that skin!  So tight and wrinkled?  You need some major work, darling.

                                           Guess you are too busy being the U.S. Secretary Of Education, meaning another Trump sycophant (which should be Psycho-phant)! 

                                           What a joke! "Golden Rule Days," indeed!  Were you to have your own way, all schools would open in classrooms, regardless of how many teachers, or innocent children, sicken and die, because all you are interested in is your own hide--which needs work!!!!!--and eliminating the Educated, so that the dumb Working Class schlubs that think you are so great will go on supporting you!

                                              As one of the Educated, I say, bitch, get off my property, and get
yourself to a stylist and get a makeover.

                                                Because the nastiness shows in your face.  Like Dorian Gray!

                                                You are slowly morphing into Colleen Gray at the end of "The Leech Woman!"


  1. I love a good makeover!
    Remember “What Not to Wear”??


  2. Victoria,
    Sorry, but I do not recall
    "What Not To Wear." Sounds like
    a great idea for a gay spinoff.
