Friday, July 17, 2020

"It Is From This, Which You Get Your Strength. The Red Earth Of Tara, Tara, TARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Yes, Tara!  And here is the closest thing to be found to it, in Bay Ridge.

                              This house is on the walk of my route, and as gorgeous as it is, outside the gates, teens litter their garbage.  They should be made to pick it all up.

                                Just looking at this house from this vantage point is breathtaking.  I wonder what the inside is like. If only I could see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  At least, for tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I stand and stare at it, wistfully yearning for "Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 As someone once said, "After all, tomorrow is another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I do that too - see a house, wonder what kind of people live there, develop theories according to the condition of the exterior, the vehicles, the lawn furniture, and so on.

  2. Enjoy it while you can, RQ: the search-and-destroy "protesters" from NYU with too much time on their hands will burn it down soon enough. While De Blasio eggs them on because, you know, Brooklyn isn't allowed to have anything nice.


  3. Victoria,

    Same here. And across the
    street from Tara is a house
    that reminds me of Manderly.

    When I look at that, I hear
    Joan Fontaine's opening words
    in my head!
