Friday, July 17, 2020

Can You Believe It, Girls????????????? Roger Corman Invented The Drone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Decades before the drone actually became popular, AIP's 1956 release, "It Conquered The World," featuring one of the cutest movie monsters ever, Cucumbo, invented the drone.  These were little bat like things, with mini-Cucumbo faces, that came out from under Cucumbo's vegetative garnish, or the hands of hypnotized wives, and would fly through the air, landing on someone's neck, who then becomes subject to Cucumbo's control and domination.

                                 Here is a beguiled wife about to share one with her husband.

                                  What a romantic way to spend the evening.

                                   This WAS the first drone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He was a visionary lol
    Drones are here to stay, along with the hordes of lawyers who troll for drone accident victims!

  2. What a brilliant analogy, RQ! I'd never thought of that!


  3. Victoria,

    I agree with you, especially about
    the lawyers. And you are right about
    Corman--these little trashies he made
    ultimately became art or at least
    Camp! Cucumbo was the greatest!


  4. Darling,
    I was looking at some of
    "It Conquered The World," and was
    struck by the similarity of those
    things to drones today!

    And people say nothing can be
    learned from a movie!

