Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Bunch Of Sick Bitches Did This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      Remember the 1993 movie "The Good Son?"  Early in the film, Richard, played by Macaulay Culkin, brings out a life sized dummy, presumably made by him, whom he dubs "Mr. Highway."  He invites his cousin in residence, played by a still child like Elijah Wood, to accompany him.  They end up at an overpass, where he drops the dummy off, onto the highway.  An accident or killing is avoided.  But this is when Richard's true psychosis is indicated; he is more than just a mischievous kid, and cousin Mark is horrified.

                        Well, darlings, life has imitated art.  On October 18, 2017, a group of teens, led by Kyle Anger, threw rocks from, presumably an overpass.  This took place in Vienna Township, in Michigan, and the other teens were Mikadyn Payne, Trevor Gray, Alexzander Miller, and Mark Sekelsky.  Anger was the ringleader, and it was he who delivered the fatal blow--a six pound rock that he threw off, which struck the windshield of Kenneth White, 32, who had a wife and a number of children--I heard 5.

                            Having not done a "Bitch Of The Week" posting recently, because a lot has been going on at my end, which you will eventually know about, when I heard this, I thought, what could be better than a quintet of male bitches???????????  As to the aforementioned film, Richard's youth did not excuse him, but these guys were like between 15 and 17!!!!!  Is this all they can think of to do with time on their hands, and their lives?????????  If they want to drink and drug and hurt themselves, that is their choice, but to pull off a stunt like this is either immaturity,  psychopathy, or perhaps a combination of both.

                              All these bitches were apprehended, and Anger, in 2019, was sentenced up to 20 years in prison.  I hope he stays the whole 20.  He should have received LWOP.

                               The other four were tried as adults and sentenced on an accusation of manslaughter.  Take the key, and lock them up!

                                 Oh, and get this--What they were doing was playing a game they called "Overpassing," where the object is to make contact with a car, yelling "Dinger!" when the car is hit.

                                  Sick fucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    What ever happened to Parker Brothers or Milton Bradley??????????????



  1. Yup it’s a sick “game”
    Rocks, bricks, chunks of ice, anything they can get up and over.
    Kids younger and younger seem to be filled with so much hate and rage.
    May they reap what they sow!!


  2. Victoria,

    Don't kids have better things to do?
    I hope they get the book thrown at them--
    each and every one!
