Sunday, August 16, 2020

How To Deal With A "Karen"--Smack Her Across The Face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Wouldn't it be worth it, darlings?  Because that is what these entitled bitches need-- a good belt in the mouth!

                             Let me tell you, not all "Karens" are as put together as the one pictured.  Most that I have seen, on video, whether young, middle aged, or senior, are fat and ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's like "The Picture Of Dorian Gray"-- their nastiness alters their looks!

                               To date, I have never had a personal encounter with a "Karen."  But,  several years ago, while visiting my sister, and shopping for shoes at the world famous King Of Prussia Shopping Mall in Pennsylvania, we encountered one before the term was coined.  We were dissatisfied with the service, and made it known.  This fat, White Trash type, made it her point to butt in, and when she said to David and I, "That's the problem with you faggots...." I saw red, and a verbal free for all ensued.  In more graphic terms I suggested, she go back to her husband at their trailer park, and submit to him!

                                These "Karens" need to be put in their place.  If any of them attack me on here, well, they have the right, but be forewarned, darlings--

                                  I will feed them to the sharks!


  1. I would LOVE to see that happen!


  2. Victoria,

    So would I? And
    you can bet it will.
    At some point a Karen will
    mess with the wrong person,
    and that will be it!
