Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Is It Just Possible (Oh, Please!) That "Cold Case" Will Return??????????????????


                                    I thought I read something about "Cold Case" coming back for an eighth season, starting right with where it ended where Lily and Scotty are bringing Kris (Lily's addicted sister, and now a mother) home, because I just know Lily is going to raise her sister's baby.

                                      Almost a TV station counterpart to Olivia Benson and Noah.

                                     With so many series being updated, or redone, why not "Cold Case?"  I want to see what Kathryn Morris is doing with her hair, these days!  And Danny Pino was always better as Scotty than Nick Amaro on 'SVU'.

                                     Now, some of you long time readers may recall that, about three years ago, I sat down and watched all 156 episodes of "Cold Case," writing about the ones that stood out for me.  and had me wonder what became of certain characters, after the story ended.  Let us examine a few.

                                       "Churchgoing People"--I would like to know how Ryan and Tina Baynes, played by the adults, Jimmi Simpson and Daisy McCrackin, turned out. Have they moved on?  Do they even visit their hateful mother?  And did Charlotte finally pass away, or is she still alive.  If the latter, bring back Isabella Hoffman, in the role that, originally, should have won her an Emmy!

                                        "The Sleepover"--Probably my favorite because of how it matches up with my junior-senior high school life, when I was as unpopular as Rita.  To update it, what became of Ariel in prison--and for how long?  If she did not get LWO, what did she do when she got out?  She could not be a doctor, anymore?  And how about Brandi and Tiffany?  Of course, all the adult actors--Virginia Williams, as Brandi,  Emma Bates, as the adult Ariel, and Dawn Stahlak, as the adult Tiffany--should return, to recreate their roles.  Also, how about the adult Neil Beaudry, played by Frederick Koehler, and his parents, played once again by Nicholas Guest, and Mary Chris Wall?  Did they ever own up?  Did they die?  Did the children forever abandon them?  Was Neil permanently institutionalized?  And did Brandi ever kick her habit?  Or Tiffany find a better way of life?  How about Rita's mother, Kelly Baxter, played by Judy Prescott?  Many were taken emotionally by this episode.  Inquiring minds want to know!

                                       "A Dollar, A Dream"--Perhaps the most heartbreaking episode of all.  Did Abby and Natalie Bradford renew their sibling relationship?  Bring back Jennifer Lawrence and Melinda Dahl to see how things turned out.  And how about perp Vincent Hopper, played by Holmes Osborne?  What he did to Marlene, the sisters' mother, was unforgivable.  But he had once had a family, who were still out there somewhere.  He is mentally ill, having been on the streets for years, and still thinks it is still when his son was young enough to want a special baseball glove.  Marlene tried to talk sense to him, then realized she could not.  When they split a lottery ticket and won, he mistakenly thought it was half a million dollars, and could not understand it was only twenty five.  He thought Marlene was holding out on him, and killed her.  What drove him to the streets?  Was he ill before hitting the streets?  Why didn't his family step in, and try and do something to help him?   Marlene had no one but the girls, but he had a family out there.

                                         Any episodes you would like follow-ups to?  Let me know!



  1. As soon as you said, what became of certain characters, I immediately thought of A Dollar, A Dream!


  2. Victoria,

    This got to me, because being homeless
    is one of my fears. Maybe irrational,but
    there it is. The only show where I had
    a degree of sympathy for the perp, though
    killing Marlene was inexcusable.
