Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Girls, I Am Telling You, This Is The Bitchfest Beach Read Of The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before going on, I do have a question.  Does Beyonce have a book club yet?  Some say she hasn't learned to read,  but I have seen her do pretty well navigating the menu at Burger King!

Seems like everyone has a book club these days.  I mean, this selection comes from Reese Witherspoon--one, I think, who has made some good choices.  There is also "Read With Jenna," and I have read a couple of those.  That is Jenna Bush--of THE Bushes--on the "Today Show."

Hell, one could make a book club out of my selections, which sometimes just come from literary instinct.  Book Of The Month Club, which I used to belong to, is still out there on line somewhere, but we have come a long way from the days when Clifford Fadiman ran things, and books like "Anthony Adverse," "Gone With The Wind," and, of course, "The Song Of Bernadette," were feature selections!

Those days, and types of novels, are gone forever!  Unfortunately!

But Reese made a great choice.  Not only are all the characters in her novel such bitches--the kind you can just love!!!!!!!--the men, especially the company CEO, are such pigs they should be kicked where it hurts--and I know you get my drift, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the women are smart lawyers.  A CEO dies--was it suicide, or something else?  I was confused, right up to the end, which is a good thing.  And to add ballast, Baker begins each chapter with 
a "Rebecca" type narrator, who puts the chapter's issues into some context, before moving on with the narrative!  I almost thought Joyce Maynard was writing these passages.  But Joyce, as I have learned, has her own writing to do!

The odds are Reese has already optioned this for herself.  It should be as much fun as "Big Little Lies," especially, as in that case. if imaginatively well cast!

This is one book I can recommend, but cannot reveal too much about.  It would rob one a a "reader's high."

This much I can say--Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Bi, or Trans, watch out for the Harvey Weinsteins out there!

No one is immune to being sexually harassed.  Or excused from doing it.

It is an Equal Opportunity Offense!


  1. No One is immune...and No One is excused.
    It bears repeating.


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the support.
    I firmly believe that!
