Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, girls, the follower indicator is at 110, which means it is time to welcome a new reader.  Her name id Saraswati,  and I am so overjoyed you found your way onto here.  Welcome.

Navigating this blog has gotten a little tricky since Eblogger made some changes I did not
particularly want, so we shall see how that goes.  But I hope you enjoy the wild and often wacky adventures put on here.  With the pandemic, I cannot share movies and plays, as I have in the past,
since there are none to go to, at the present time.

So, congratulations, welcome, Saraswati, and enjoy!  Remember this blog goes  great with coffee.

As always, new readers are initiated in with this blog's unofficial theme song.