Saturday, August 1, 2020

So. How Was Your July, Darlings???????????????

When Brick told Maggie to "jump off the roof," he must have been talking about this July, darlings, because this was one of the most sizzling Julys I can remember.  Like Maggie, it made me feel "cat on a hot tin roof."

But the month was filled with books love, and a degree of sadness.  The books came from what I read--and I am reading so much I cannot keep up on what I am writing.  The love comes from David, whom I value even more, now that he is working from home.  The joy came from watching  the virtual Jessie Mueller concert, singing such classics as "If I Loved You," which only Jessie can sing so well, besides going back to her debut in the 'Clear Day' revival!

And the sadness came from the death, on July 26, of Olivia De Havilland, which did not even get the coverage it deserved.

As tragic as the July 8 death of Naya Rivera was,--I SO related to Santana on "Glee!"--having been murdered by Lea Michele, Olivia deserved far more coverage.  Which she will get very shortly.

Thank God for books and air conditioning.  As I age, the heat only gets worse.

This cat does NOT like a hot tin roof, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The tragedies are coming at us fast and furious aren’t they.
    I don’t see this ending well.

  2. Victoria,

    Indeed, you are right.
    I dread what is next!
