Saturday, August 1, 2020

This Was SO Pretty Girls, I Could Not Resist!

 I say this every  year, dolls, but I mean it.  I have an ambivalent relationship with the month of August.  It goes back to childhood, when it made me aware I had only one month left, until school.  Heaven help today's students with what they are now facing!!!!!!!!!!!

Aside from all that, this is when the famous "Dog Days Of Summer" hit us, children and adults, where we are just so fed up with it all, we wish for cooler weather.  Some of us welcome in a new cultural season, but good luck with that one!

I chose a pretty pic for August, in the hope that it would bring hope greatly needed to a month that comes just before the year winds down.  Because, dolls, once you get into the "ber" months, that is it.
And as for THIS year, there will be a lot to say, or not.  Come December 31st.

My hope for August is it brings some good surprises.  We are getting a new TV on Monday, and I have lost much weight, with meds, diet and exercise, so I hope my diabetes improves, and, of course, a slew of books to read.  I wish I could photograph the pile of read books in my bedroom.  It is almost literally from floor to ceiling--and I am shooting for that.

So, let August make up for yesterday, which had me SO down I started watching "The Sleepover" again.

And that is not a good sign!

But I have moved on!  Happy August, everyone!


  1. Well congratulations on losing weight!
    And keeping up with your exercise!!
    My skin breaks out if I sweat too much.
    Must maintain the face And the figure lol


  2. Victoria,
    Thank you, and I will.
    I am stabilizing now, but have not
    weighed this less in ages. And I can
    see it in my face, too!
