Sunday, August 30, 2020

Who Are These Two Delightful Actors, In This Humira Commercial????????????????????

                    Now, girls, if it is one things us gays cannot stand, it is flagrant heterosexuality.   Not that I am heterophobic; far from it, unless some straight, male or female, makes an issue of my being homosexual.  Which does not happen too often.

                     When this commercial started airing, I was ambivalent about it.  Why can't they show a young man bringing a young man home, to meet the parents?  But, as time went on, I really admired the blouse the actress is wearing in this photo, and I came to see her boy friend, as an open minded Jonathan Safran Foer type.  There are lots of them out there.

                        Now, I find the commercial absolutely charming.  I would love to know who these two are, because the chemistry in the ad is so well acted, they should be given other, more dramatic assignments.  And maybe be teamed.

                         They make a better representation of heterosexuality than the White Trash,  Christian hypocrite portion of the nation's population that would lock us back in the closet or eliminate us altogether.  

                            So, congrats to Humira, the casting department, and the actors.  Give these two lots of credit, for what they are doing, and give them more work.

                               It's not that gays and straights cannot appreciate one another.  Gays just cannot stand those not objective enough to judge us on our own merits.

                                 Which I am sure, does not extend to these two.  If you follow the script, they will marry, he will work for a corporation, because he can, and if one of the kids is gay, they will be fine with it.

                                      It's all in the subtext, darlings.  And acting takes a lot of subtext!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don’t care what they say - horizontal stripe tops are fabulous!
    I have one myself!!


  2. Victoria,
    I love horizontal tops, too!
    I have several, and they never seem
    to go out of style. I love the one
    the girl in the commercial wears!
