Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Warning To Randy Rainbow--From One Queen, To Another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, girls, I have absolutely nothing against Randy Rainbow.   I actually enjoy his insightful, politically astute and hilariously funny lyric parodies to famous show tunes.  But, especially considering yesterday, I have to issue this warning to Randy--

                                Keep your vocal cords and writing away from "FRANK MILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                In the first place, you look too much like Pee Wee Herman to sing it.  Second, you haven't the vulnerability and innocence, and no way to convey that.  And lastly, while your voice is fine enough, it is not good enough for that song.

                               I know you have sense enough to avoid "Over The Rainbow."  That almost goes without saying.

                                But "Frank Mills" belongs to Shelley Plimpton, Allison Case, and myself!

                                Avoid it at all costs, or I will make you Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Because, honey, I am the Sylvia Fowler of my generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. He thought he could outqueen The Queen???

  2. Victoria,

    Indeed! I thought I might get
    a rebuttal on here from him, but
    have not. However, he has not
    attempted "Frank Mills" yet.

    Have got to get me on You Tube,
    doing this in front of the Waverly.
    The theater is shut down, because of
    the pandemic, but it is still there.
