Saturday, September 19, 2020

Meet My Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Actually, girls, you have met Nicholas in other posts, where I have referenced him, and posted this same pic.  But I wanted to give him a posting of his own, because he deserves one, as he is not just my friend, but a caregiver.

                                      Nicholas always appreciates a pet and a scratch from me.  He looks up, sees it is I, and settles back down.  But, he always raises his chin, because he likes me to scratch underneath it.  From what I have been told, I am the only one Nicholas allows to do this.

                                       During the warmer months, he loves going out in his back yard.  He has all sorts of hiding places, but, when I go out, and call him, he comes out of hiding, to give me love and comfort.

                                        Even more, Nicholas knows I am currently having a rough time, and is concerned about me.  I never realized how much till one Saturday, I was in Apple Tree, alone, and had an episode of dizziness.  I sat down on the green bench, resting my head and arms on one of the chair arms.  Suddenly, I heard some movement from behind, and Nicholas came right up near me, pawing at me, to make sure I was OK.  When I sat up, and told Nicholas I was OK, he stayed with me for several minutes, before going back to his place. I was so touched by this, realizing the special connection Nicholas and I have.  I am so grateful to him, not just for this, but because he always makes me feel better.

                                           So, here is to you, Nicholas!

                                            In Bay Ridge, you are certainly the coolest cat!


  1. You are a dog whisperer AND cat whisperer!!!

  2. Cats are just as intuitive as dogs!
    Maybe even More so!!


  3. Victoria,

    I suppose I am, though Nicholas is
    the only feline I interact with.

    My sister had a calico named Bella.
    One day, when my sister was out in
    the yard, her husband took a fall
    in the bathroom upstairs. Bella
    ran down to the porch door, stood
    up against it, and meowed loudly, alerting
    my sister!
