Saturday, September 19, 2020

Darlings, We Are Screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Sadly, the night before Ruth Bader Ginsberg died, David and I were discussing her, over dinner.  I maintained she would not leave this world, until the final results of this November presidential election were in.  I was counting on it.

                                          Alas, she left this world, yesterday, at the age of 87.  Her bouts with cancer were chronicled, and while she bounced back, it was said pancreatic cancer took her, in the end.

                                            But I know different.

                                            She was killed by the Trump Administration.  Just like Queen Elizabeth killed Princess Diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The sadness of Ginsberg's passing is not just the hole it leaves in SCOTUS, or the example she set for women and other aspiring lawyers with her dedication and professionalism,  not to mention graciousness and class, but what it means now, for the country!

                                               Face it , dears!  We are screwed!  Forget Joe Biden.  Because of Ginsberg's passing, which even she could not control, we will get four more years of Dump Trump!

                                                Not to mention some potential nightmare scenarios, involving SCOTUS.

                                                Like Condoleezza Rice!  Who would have a Steinway Grand hauled next to her desk, while she shines her pearly whites, playing tunes of hope, while she whittles away at the low income, disenfranchised, and stirring up the trouble her Boss Man would command, because you know she would obey him, darlings!

                                                Even more repulsive is the thought of  William P. Barr. But, then he is too busy being Trump's Personal Ass Wipe.    Literally.  He humbly, like a good sycophant, gets down on his knees, and wipes Trump's ass, each time he goes to the bathroom, which is a lot.  Imagine, the so-called Leader Of The Free World being on a fast food diet, and having to wear Depends!  The first President to do so!  Biden also has to change those and keep the Donald from tossing them off as he runs down the hall, so fecal matter does not get all over the White House.

                                                    Poor Ruthie has left us in a real mess!  But don't blame her.  Blame its causes.

                                                     Already Mitch McConnell is calling for one of his own, before the November election.  I am calling for McConnell's removal.

                                                       Oh, and as for Brett Kavanaugh, well he is going no further.  After all, he has what is known as "the Irish Curse."  

                                                        Not much there, huh Brett????????????????


                                                   Will we be forced to flee the USA, after November 3?

                                                    If so, I want to look as good as Heather Menzies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Personal Arse Wipe lol
    You do paint a picture!!
    Thanks for the giggle; these days if I don’t laugh I’m afraid I might start crying and never stop!


  2. Victoria,
    Glad to have made you laugh.
    It just came out of me and my
    observations; I leave political
    satire to Colbert and the like!
