Friday, September 25, 2020

Guess What, Girls? Two New Readers To Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                I was all set to welcome one, when I saw, last evening, the follower indicator was at 111.  This morning, it is at 112, and  we have two new readers to welcome.

                                                I have no idea who they are, though one uses a cat as a symbol, so maybe my Nicholas posts helped he/she to find the way here.  In any case, welcome to you both, and  I hope you find information and entertainment on here.  And if you wish to comment, please feel free, to, anytime.  If anything I write makes you laugh, or helps make the pandemic easier, I am all the more glad.

                                                  So, a warm welcome, one and all, to our newest readers!  And remember, this blog goes great, with coffee!


                                       As always, we welcome new readers with this blog's unofficial theme song--  "Call Me!," by Deborah Harry!

                                        Enjoy, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A cat symbol? How neat!
    How does one do that?

  2. I found you doing what I always do after watching a true crime show: google it. Your blog brought me such joy. I mean NY, Broadway, and murder with a dash of shade is perfection 🤗

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Marty,
    Welcome to the blog! Feel free to drop
    in, anytime!


  5. Amanda,
    Thanks so much for your
    kind words. I try to
    combine all topics I am
    interested on here, onto here.

    I hope I can get back to posting
    theater and movie reviews, if
    the cultural scene ever does return.

