Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Get A Load Of This Tramp Bitch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This is Betty Lou Beets, darlings, and she does look like a real tramp!  She became the second woman to be executed in the state of Texas, after the death penalty was reinstated.  That took place on February 4, 2000, at 6:18 PM.  She was 62, upon her time of death.

                                       Interestingly, Betty had led a life of crime, including public lewdness.  In younger years, she was what men of the 1950s might have called "a spicy tomato."  But she was far from fresh off the vine.  She had six husbands, and the same number of children; at least one of them, a daughter, was abused, and coerced by her into helping her cover up her crimes.

                                         The crime that led to her eventual death was the murder of her husband, Jimmy Don Beets, on August 6, 1983.  The weapon  was a .38 handgun.

                                         Betty Lou never was one for hanging on to husbands; she would eventually tire of them, and move on to the next.  Why she only killed Beets is unfathomable, because, had she not been caught, I think Betty would have evolved into a serial husband killer.  Life insurance money--the old standby--was seen as one motive for the killing of Beets.

                                            She was some nasty piece of work, and it shows in her face.  She deserved losing whatever sex appeal she had, and she deserved the death penalty.

                                             Not for nothing is the female considered the deadliest of the species.


  1. Victoria,
    Simple is as simple does.
    For some, murder makes more sense
    than divorce. I don't get it!
