Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Some Days, I Feel Like Alice, And Just Want To Go Down The Rabbit Hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Summer has come and gone, darlings.  Fall arrived yesterday --as I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st of their respective months--March, June, September, and December--so Proserpina has gone back to Hell, for the next six months, and today, as stated is the tenth anniversary of Tyler Clementi's tragic demise.

                                               Not to mention the health issues David and I are dealing with, the pandemic, the questionable outcome of this election and what said outcome means for the next four years.  Is it any wonder I often, like Alice, want to just disappear down the rabbit hole?

                                                 I often feel navigating Wonderland might be easier than navigating our world today!

                                                  And I would love to attend the Mad Tea Party!