Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Ten Years Ago, Tonight...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Yes, darlings, that is Tyler Clementi, as he was, and shall remain.  Were he alive today, I bet he would have been on the forefront of research into fighting this pandemic.  But who even thought we would be dealing with one, ten years ago?

                                                 I always wonder about tragic locales on their anniversaries.  At 8:50 PM, will a group gather before the George Washington Bridge, in memory?  Will Tyler's ghost be walking back and forth?  I wonder.

                                                  Ten years ago this evening, Tyler committed an irrevocable act, by jumping off that bridge.  Said act, however, set into motion, national conversations and laws in place to deal with the consequences of all kinds.  While there are still kids bullied out there, the name of Tyler Clementi, like Etan Patz, with missing children, has become code.

                                                    What a tragedy for his family, and the loss of contributions he might have made to this world.  It is hard to fathom it has been ten years already.

                                                        As long as I keep writing this blog, he shall never be forgotten!


  1. Victoria,
    I do, too. I have somewhat
    of a personal connection, as I
    grew up near Rutger, across
    the Raritan River, in Highland
    Park, NJ. Living so near, I
    wanted to go to it. The only
    school to turn me down! Go
