Saturday, September 19, 2020

I Have News For You, Dolls! The She Demons Are Democrats, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Here they are, marching off to vote in the November, 2020 Election.  They have to get a head start, see, because they are stuck on this remote island with a mad Nazi scientist.  But they are now concerned with what America may be stuck with.

                                       While many of us mourn the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, those who drink the Trump Kool-Aid are doing the Dance Of The Devil, for joy!  Shame on them!  Those who would dare to do so should be thrown into the cage with the She Demons, and have themselves torn apart by them.

                                            And look how fashionably dressed they are to vote.  Follow their example, girls, and get out there and vote for the right choice, as I know they will.

                                               Do not let Ginsberg's passing be for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!