Saturday, September 19, 2020

Take A Sad Look, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!! This Is The Last Time You Will See This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                          I can tell all of you now, with certainty, that "Beetlejuice" is not coming back to Broadway.  Here is how I found out.

                                           This past Thursday, I had an appointment with my PCP at NYU Langone, on West 52nd Street.  Taking the same route, as always, I rode from 77th Street, in Brooklyn, to 49th Street in Manhattan, all the way on the R train.  I crossed over and walked up Broadway.  As I stood across from the Winter Garden Theatre--my favorite--I noticed techies dismantling the side marquee of "Beetlejuice," and in place of the sign above the theatre had been put an ad for Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster, in the upcoming revival of "The Music Man."  Only, there was no indication of when performances would start, or even if they would.  So, what is the point?

                                              One of the techies looked at me, and I told him this was the first time I had witnessed a dismantling like this.  He smiled back; he understood my sadness.

                                                 So, farewell to "Beetlejuice."

                                                 But what does that bode for how many of the remaining shows on Broadway? And how many of those will actually remain????????????

                                              Are the witches from "Macbeth" casting an evil pall over our country?

                                             It sure seems like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I would have burst into tears, probably.


  2. Victoria,
    I almost did. I know the
    techie I spoke to understood
    how I felt!

    David and I had our hearts set
    on seeing "The Music Man," and what
    a pick me up it would be, during this

    But who knows if it will open? Or when?

  3. With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!
    I sing those songs with my grandsons💕


  4. Victoria,
    I hope the show does make
    it eventually. I have never
    seen it on stage!
