Friday, September 25, 2020

The Murder Of Sam Poss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Talk about "tale as old as time."  Sam Poss' murder was in the classic vein of Leopold and Loeb, "Heavenly Creatures," Missy Avila, Shanda Sharer, and the classic 'SVU' episode, "Mean," back in 2004.   The only thing standing out here was that all involved were boys.  Yes, Leopold and Loeb may have set the barre, back in the Twenties, but in most cases, the victims and perpetrators of these teen types of killings involve girls, not boys.

                                      Nevertheless, two sick boys, Dakota White, and Brandon Warren, one of whom was 18, are down on their luck, and themselves.  They live in Perry, GA, just thirty miles outside of Macon, and went to Perry High School, as did Sam Poss!  These two made a suicide pact--but before doing so, they wanted to experience, for themselves, what it was like to take another's life.  Nice, huh?

                                         They even went about it, like Leopold and Loeb, though they were more like Dumb and Dumber.  They rode about town, spying people on the street, scoping them out as potential victims.  They finally settled on Poss, because he was " a nice guy."

                                            Which he was.  Sam Poss, like these two, may not have been the most popular kid, but he was gifted with computer skills, and would help anyone who asked.  Which is how his murder came about.  On the evening of October 15, 2016, Poss was lured to one of the perps homes, saying computer help was needed.  When Poss arrived, they placed him in the front seat of the car,   driving to White's home.  There, Poss was strangled by White with a wire cord, then placed in the car, and stabbed by Warren with a knife,  He was finally dead.  They placed his body in an undisclosed location--undisclosed, until White, testifying against his cohort, led police to Sam's body.  When placed on trial a year later, they were given Life sentences.  They should have been given the same sentence as Sam--death.

                                                Hey, they wanted it, anyway!  Supposedly.  Amazing, isn't it, how the desire to commit suicide vanished, after Sam's killing?   They didn't have the GUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  As much as suicide upsets me, it would not have bothered me a bit if these two pieces of scum did it, anyway.   Maybe, just maybe, Sam's presence, and their deed, will haunt them for Life, until the cross over, and maybe Sam gets his turn to confront them!

                                                     Justice For Sam, everyone!  Another sweet kid, destroyed by punks too soon before his time.

                                                      He could have accomplished a  lot.  Unlike these other two!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                 Rest In Peace, Sam!  May his family find some peace and comfort!


  1. No conscience, no morals... no soul.
    I feel the same way you do about suicide, However...

  2. Speaking of corpses

    So bait will eat the catch.
    You know who's not impressed? People who live near Crystal Lake


  3. Victoria,
    I hear what you are saying,
    believe me. I think they
    chickened out on killing
    themselves, following Sam,
    because first they enjoyed
    doing it, and, for themselves,
    they recognized the irrevocability
    of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Unknown,
    I have actually been to
    that locale in Jersey. It
    still has an air of crrepiness
    about it. And walking through
    the town, I felt as though I
    were on a movie set!
