Friday, October 2, 2020

October Is Here, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    September has gone, Autumn has arrived, and now has October!  Today is the Feast Of The Guardian Angels, and, boy do I hope mine  is keeping an eye on me, with what I have coming up this month--the medical procedure, an "ablation," involving zapping my heart from the inside.  And my left nose feels sinus-y; were I to have it done today, would I be safe>

                                        It is feat like this that is driving me to the brink!  I said "brink," not "drink," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But October brings Halloween, no matter what form it may take this year.  Even if it means staying indoors, candy binging, and watching some horror classics.  Hey, that is not a bad idea, is it?

                                           Yesterday, on October 1, Julie Andrews celebrated her 85th birthday, and I saw my favorite dog in Bay Ridge--Cujo!  I went to his house, called out his name, and heard his bark--which seemed to come from back.  So, I went to the garage gate, and there behind the other gate, was Cujo, who came to see and comfort me.  Thank you, Cujo!  What a nice surprise!

                                              And, of course, this month marks the birthday of one loved on here, Sister Camille D'Arienzo.  The date is anyone's guess, and the age I will keep a secret.  But, as the month progresses, look for a Sister Camille posting.

                                                 And, everyone, wish me luck on the procedure!

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