Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Sad Farewell To Our Beloved Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       On September 13 of this year, I posted on here prayers for our beloved friend, Chloe, the sweet Golden Lab owned by neighbors nearby.  Chloe was always on sight, and gave  me lots of comfort, and David was fond of her, too.

                                        In that last post, I urged prayers for Chloe, who was suffering from painful bowel inflammation, and had to undergo surgery at the vet's.

                                       Last Saturday, we walked by the house, and there was our Chloe, standing in the doorway, cheerfully greeting us with her lively bark, and wagging her tail happily, as though telling us, "I am going to be OK."

                                         Alas, it was not to be.

                                        Yesterday, one of Chloe's owners, who saw us passing by, came out and delivered some bad news--Chloe passed away on Friday, October 2.  Which just happens to be the Feast Of The Guardian Angels, so Chloe was blest.  Not that I doubted it while she was on Earth, but I know she is such in the Afterlife.

                                           We were told Chloe, during the week, took a turn for the worse, becoming sicker, and in pain, which led to her death.  Whether she died at home, or at the vet's, is not for me to ask, but I pray Chloe did not suffer.  I know her owners would not have wanted to.

                                              So, girls, bid Chloe a loving farewell, and know that she will never be forgotten by this blogger.

                                              I know you are watching us from above, Chloe!

                                               But thank you so much for the happiness you brought us on Earth!