Saturday, October 10, 2020

Girls, I Am SO Excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Those who have been with this blog for lo' these many years should at least recognize, if not the outfit, then what it is from.  For those who may not, let me repeat--this is the outfit worn by the late Heather Menzies, in her signature role of Louisa Von Trapp in the 1965 film "The Sound Of Music!"  She wears it for much of the "Do Re Mi" montage--next to the opening with Julie Andrews, almost everyone's favorite moment in the film.  Also, in the boat scene, where she carries Kym Karath out of the water.  According to film lore, Karath, threw up over Menzies soon after getting out of the water!  When she had a little boy, Heather became that child's godmother! 

                                            It has always been my dream to wear this outfit--hell, any of Heather's "Sound Of Music" outfits.  When I first saw the film in 1965, I so wanted to be Heather Menzies.  Also Angela Cartwright, with the yellow dress in the party scene.  If only I had looked that good!  But always Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Well, now, thanks to Debbie Turner, who played Marta, the second youngest girl, my dream can sort of be realized!  Debbie has a website where she sells accessories she makes, and right now she is selling masks replicating the children's outfits which Maria made from the drapes.  Heather and the rest wore them for most of the "Do Re Mi" montage, and, in the boat scene, when, according to film lore, Kym Karath threw up all over Heather Menzies, after Heather carried out of the water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I just discovered the masks last week, so I want all my girls to buy one, and be a Von Trapp, to fight Covid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "High on a hill was a lonely goatherd...........!"


                                       And here they are!  The masks, and the five surviving film Von Trapps to model them. Top row, left to right--Kym Karath (Gretel),  Nicholas Hammond (Friedrich), Debbie Turner (Marta).   Bottom row, left to right, Angela Cartwright (Brigitta), Duane Chase (Kurt).

                                         Thank you, one and all, love always to Heather and Charmian. And thank you, Debbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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