Saturday, October 10, 2020

Darlings, I Have To Tell You--I Am Having The Procedure, And I Am So Scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The procedure is called a heart ablation, and let me tell you, I am SO scared!  Have I made that clear??????????

                                       After having gone from a diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia, to atrial fib, worn a heart monitor for two weeks with no problems, only to have my rate soar to over 160 beats per minute, during a follow up visit, last Monday, the conclusion was inevitable.  The way I see it, much as I don't look forward to it, I would rather go through it now, than not, only to have something worse happen, where fewer options would be available, and I would forever regret not having the ablation in the first place.

                                           I am doing this for the sake of my loved ones, as much as myself.  And that also includes my animal friends, and my readers on here!

                                           This happens on Thursday, October 15!  I am looking at the date positively, because I was born on a Thursday.

                                            Remember the scene in the 1979 film, "All That Jazz," and Jessica Lange was an angel?  I need my angels on my side for this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And I need to keep my voice, so I can continue to sing "Frank Mills!"

                                            Wish me luck, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!