Saturday, October 10, 2020

Some More On That Procedure, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I am sure many out there will recognize the game board from Milton Bradley's game, "Operation."  You know, the one billed as "The Electric Game--Where YOU are the doctor!

                                             I don't know how many medical careers were inspired by this game, if any, but let me be the first to say, this does not look like me.  I would never go into this, with a hair style, like that!  After all, I am The Raving Queen!  Give me some more credit!  I will go in, fully coiffed.

                                              But here is what I am in for.  After being put under anaesthesia,  an incision is to be made in my groin,, after which a catheter is going to run from there to the femoral artery up to my heart, where they will locate where the beat irregularities are, and then zap them.

                                                Sounds simple, in print, but when mine is the body going through this, nothing is simple. This is a big deal, and I sure did not plan on it!

                                                   Alas, it is necessary, because when I get an attack, I am one of the few who does not feel, or notice it.  Best to take care of it now, like I have said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   It all happens Thursday, October 15.  And I have a lot of reading and writing to do, in the meantime!

                                                   As well as "a lot of living to do," afterward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hello michael just know me and joe will be praying for you and keep you in our thoughts as always thinking about you stay well norman

  2. Norman,

    Just spoke to Tom, so
    he knows what is going on.
    Thank you and Joe for your
    thoughts and prayers. I will
    be glad when it is over!
