Friday, October 2, 2020

"When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble, Mother Mary Comes To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  I always knew The Beatles were exquisite artists, but I never realized how forward thinking they were.  Until one of what I call my "crazy dreams" that I had recently.

                                  In the dream I was, as I am, today, but still living in my childhood home in Highland Park, New Jersey.  So were all the children on the street I hung out with, but, in the dream, we were all now our adult selves.  But still living in our respective houses.

                                  Diagonally across the street from me lived a then young couple, Ruth and Carl Montana, who had two boys, Raymond and Aaron.  They had a huge back yard, and their property blended into that of the neighbor on their right, Professor Ernest W. McDonnell, who taught History, at Rutgers.  As children, we never strayed into his part of land, but the division of where it began or ended was never there.

                                     Anyway, I was in my house, having finished dinner, staring out my front door, seeing all my contemporaries gathered in the Montana yard, facing to the right.  They were pointing upwards, to the sky, and beckoned me to come over and see.

                                     When I arrived, I looked to where they pointed in the sky, and there, in all her blue and white splendor, with radiated yellow light glistening from her, was the Virgin Mary.  I became terribly frightened, or aware, and knelt immediately.  As everyone around me did the same thing, I noticed, among the gatherers, one of my school contemporaries, but one who did not live in my neighborhood--Paula Weiss!  I wondered, even in the dream, what she would be doing there, and still do now, even as I am writing this.  

                                       We went on, staring at Mary, who hovered in the sky.  I think we were all waiting for her to say something, but she never did.  Instead, after several minutes, she began moving away, as though shrinking, till there was a pin point, and then nothing.

                                            That is when I awoke from the dream, confused and afraid.  I know "The Song Of Bernadette" and my subsequent anxiety over my upcoming procedure, triggered this dream.  What I am not sure of is the meaning--is Mary actually coming to get me, or just letting me know she has my back?  I certainly hope the last, because I have a lot of living to do, with David, and lots of books to read, and blog posts to write.

                                              This is actually the second vision dream I have had.  The other was at least a year ago, and the details not so vivid.  If I turn out to have a third, I guess I might have to be summoned before a Catholic Commission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Still, I pray, each day, to Mary, hoping she has my back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope your procedure goes well. My thoughts are with you.

    As you are likely to know, the Church is holding its Rosary Congress this week. Then there's the Rosemary Congress, Republican legislators who support her baby.

  2. Tom,
    Thanks for the good wishes! I
    am so scared!
