Sunday, November 22, 2020

Book Information, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I really don't want to tease anyone  on here, but this is what is happening.  The Book  Lists  are coming  out,  but I cannot access them online, without  a subscription, and who wants to spend that kind of money for  just one section?  I  did  see, on my cell  phone Google, a list of "The New York Times Ten Best Woks  Of Fiction For 2020," in rank,  so I have an idea of  what the top 5  are, but am  not going to discuss this, until I see it replicated in hard copy.  So, you may have to wait a bit  for my book  lists.  

                                      My list is composed, but I have to wait for the  others before I can compare and  contrast.  Isn't this just like the damn  election?????????????????

                                       I  am really down  on "The New York Times" for  making  something that should be so  easy to  access difficult.  I intend to send an email  to the Book Review editor.

                                       Something else  I  am  considering starting  this year  is  posting my reading list for  2020.  I have been  keeping  records of  this since 1968, but have never shared them.  This would, literally, be just a  list, with the  book jacket pictured.  My goal is always to read 100 books a year.  I am  only up to 86, so I have my work  cut out for me.  My record,  made just a few years ago was 115.

                                          Patience,  girls!   I  am  anxious  to  share all this with you, and will  do,  ASAP.

                                          Meanwhile,  I have  some  recent  reads  to  post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Enjoy your books, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It’s WORSE than the election , in a way!!


  2. Victoria,
    It certainly is! I have all the
    results, so, over the next several
    days, I will be posting.
