Sunday, November 1, 2020

Happy All Saints Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     A day to honor all my favorites--Bernadette, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia, and all those chosen by God to serve as exemplars and inspiration to us mortals on earth.  Tomorrow,  All Souls Day, is for everyone,  the living and departed, especially loved ones we have lost, but I would also like to point out there are saints walking among  us,  some whom we know,  some whom we don't.

                                                     I would like  to point out two, and wish them both a Happy All Saints, and  All  Souls Day.  Those two are Sister Camille D'Arenziio, and  Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Where would we be without them,  and  others like them  out there, unsung.

                                                       I am no saint, but I try and do my best.  I wish you blessings  on both these days, and be especially kind  to loved ones around you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Because, for now,  darlings, the nightclub scene is gone!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. No nightclub scene, no sports...
    ‘cause it’s four! five! six feet apart at the
    New! ball! game!!


  2. Victoria,
    You said it! How will any
    of these turn a profit when
    they return?
