Sunday, November 1, 2020

I Am Sick And Tired Of All These "New York Is Dead" Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                       How many times, have  I mentioned the pivotal  moment from  the first part of "Gone With The  Wind," where a defeated  Scarlett/Vivien Leigh sobs in the dirt, only to pull herself  up,  raise her fist  to the sky, and deliver that speech beginning  with those immortal words, "As God  is my witness.....?"

                                       It bears mentioning again,  because of all these  idiots who  insist on fleeing  New York--and where to, I ask?   Is anywhere else better?  Worse, in most cases.--who must have their heads up their asses.

                                         Darlings,  it  is  hard  for me, too.  No hair appointments, no fashionable dining, no culture of any kind.  All what I came to this city for, and have partaken of for over 30 years, is  gone, but,  like Scarlett, is that  going to stop me?  Listen, like her,  I am willing  to slap White Trash, and  I will not have  pretentious political loudmouths tell me  what to do!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn  right!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        It is going to come back, and when it does,  this city will undergo a Renaissance  unseen since the days of Edith Wharton.  New York  will be  bigger and better than ever.  And, who know, maybe even  more affordable.

                                         Scarlett survived,  the South rose,  and so can, and will,  New York City!

                                          As to all the deadbeats and miscreants who insist on fleeing--

                                          Get outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who wants ya,  anyhow??????????????????

                                           Shut  the hell up, already,  and leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Have  a lovely time  in Nowheresville, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!