Thursday, November 26, 2020

I Absolutely HATE This Christmas Car Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Darlings, I hated it the first year it appeared.  So, why do they have to trot it out, annually??????????????

                                      Let me clarify.  I do not hate the actors.  They are just doing a job, and I am happy they will get another line of residuals airing this year.  So,  good for them!  What I cannot stand is the script concocted, and the characters they play.

                                       Mr. and  Mrs,  Heterosexist America,  he of  the corporate job,  house much too big for them,  and a hairy chest,  and she, Miss Perky Entitled Bitch,  the kind who does nothing,  and wears  colored panties  just to arouse her hubby, are ready to exchange Christmas  gifts.  She gives him some nothing  trinket,  and when he states he has something for her, she says "Yeah?," in a manner somewhere between greed and orgasm.  Maybe both; maybe,  subliminally, the connection between the two is being drawn.

                                      So, they go outside, and there are two cars, one red, the other blue.  Personally, girls,  I would have gone for the red.  Anyway, the wife goes to the blue, and when the husband tries  to explain the  blue car is for  him, and  she says "I love it," you know there is a power play going on. And on the second "I love it," with her sprawled out in  front of the car,  and her  line delivery, you just know she is one entitled bitch--if  her orgasmic greed did not cue in  that,  already--and this husband is some castrated simp,  who, for all his macho posturing, knows he  will get blue balls if he does not acquiesce, because, otherwise, she will not deliver!  What a fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!  Slap her across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This ad represents the worst of America, not the least of which is its being  overly obsessed with cars and houses they cannot afford to buy.

                                       Forget "Karen!" Watch this ad, and see an example of a truly entitled bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Merry Christmas, you two pigs,  who deserve each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Like my Aunt used to say when folks had the enormous showplace home, they’re either very rich or very broke!


  2. Victoria,
    In my opinion the characters
    on this commercial are very
    broke! Living way beyond
    their means, because they
    feel they must!
