Thursday, November 26, 2020

Oh, My God! Help, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Monolith Monsters Are Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Back on June  9 of this year--and, now,  that does seem  far away--I  wrote  about this hilariously bad 50's  sci-fi  film  called "The Monolith Monsters."  These were stones from  outer space that,  when placed in water, grow into mammoth monoliths, resembling giant turds, who attack people, and the only way to stop them is,  like  turds  down  a toilet, flush them away with a busted dam!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Recently,  in an area of  Utah near Canyonland National  Park, and the  Colorado River,  one such monolith was  discovered.  Now,  realists  are trying  to put a spin on it--that it  was something stole from the NY Metropolitan  Museum Of Art, or some avant garde  artist's homage  to John McCracken,  who created the monolith in the 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey."

                                     But don't kid yourselves.  Outer  space has landed on earth. We are either  going  into '2001' territory, and are going to see the embryo baby, or giant turds  really are coming  to invade us.  As one pundit remarked, and  I agree,  if in any year this were to actually happen,  2020  would be it.

                                        Make  sure  your flushers, and  sanitizers, are working,  darlings!  You may need them  more than you ever thought you would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And come on,  now?  How  would someone  haul a thing like that out  to such a remote  area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The monsters are on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. We all probably remember seeing the Alien burst out of that poor guy’s tummy lol
    Seems almost campy now, special effects have come so far!!


  2. Victoria,
    That scene made me jump out of
    my seat, when I first saw it.
    One movie whose special effects
    still hold up is 1939's "The
    Wizard Of Oz!"
